Are you being investigated or prosecuted by the Ministry for Primary Industries?
Right page
If you've got a problem involving the Ministry for Primary Industries ('MPI') then you're on the right webpage.
Right people
If you're looking for the animal law specialist you can trust to ensure that you avoid the common traps and oversights in the regulatory process administered by MPI, you've found the right people.
Smart solutions
If you're looking for information, advice, or representation and wondering what you should do next, we can help you sort out a next step that's smarter, safer and cost-effective.

Your experienced defence lawyer against MPI
At Guardianz, assisting individuals, businesses, and organisations seeking solutions to problems involving MPI is something we handle regularly.
Guardianz is New Zealand's specialist law firm dedicated to the practice of animal law. We deal with a broad range of matters administered by MPI which involve animals, animal products, and animal practices which affect multiple sectors, including animal welfare, agriculture, biosecurity, fisheries, food, and aquaculture.
So, you're in the right place if MPI is investigating you or has laid charges against you that involve any of the following Acts:
Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997
Animal Products Act 1999
Animal Welfare Act 1999
Aquaculture Reform Act 2004
Biosecurity Act 1993
Fisheries Act 1996
Food Act 2014
Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996
National Animal Identification and Tracing Act 2012
Plants Act 1970
Veterinarians Act 2005
We can also assist you with other issues, disputes or concerns you may have relating to MPI's jurisdiction, decisions or performance.
Bottom line, if you have a legal problem with MPI, or if MPI has a (potential) problem with you, then you'll want to ensure that your next step is a smart one.
And yes, we can help you take that 'smart next step' with a unique three-tiered service that provides easy access to expert guidance, helping you avoid common pitfalls and achieve your best outcome.
Options 1, 2 or 3:
What suits your needs, your pocket, your situation?
Letter of Advice
This option suits people who want:
a brief specialist's appraisal about your legal position and potential risks,
guidance on your options and what to do next, and
recommended do’s and don’ts.
Letters of Advice have been particularly helpful for clients as tools for understanding their position or as quick reference sheets when preparing for interviews, mediation, or related discussions.​​​
Letters of Advice address the key areas we identify from the information you provide to us and are informed by our years of experience assisting other people who have been in a similar position to you.
The Letter of Advice option is popular because it avoids the time, complexity, and cost of a formal legal opinion, while still providing you with essential guidance on next steps - quickly, easily, and at a cost that's much lower than a lawyer's standard fees.
To find out more about getting a Letter of Advice, simply :
click the 'contact us' button,
fill in the form and tell us you're interested in option 1, then
we'll be right back in touch with you.
Phone Call Consultation
This option is popular for people who:​
are facing complex or urgent problems involving MPI, or
have tight time frames to make a decision about the best next step, or
simply prefer to talk things through directly with the specialist.
Like doctors, veterinarians, and other professionals, we run a system of scheduled appointments and advance bookings. However, unlike other professions where you require a referral from the GP before speaking with a specialist, with Guardianz you get the option to speak directly with the specialist.
​To reserve your consultation simply:
click the link below, then
follow the steps to choose a time that suits you.
​Emergency or priority calls are available, subject to availability. In such instances, please reserve the earliest possible consultation time on our online booking system, then click the 'Contact Us' button to let us know if you'd prefer an alternative time, if available.
Legal Representation & Referrals
Choosing the right team from the start is often the most critical step in achieving the best outcome. So, this option suits people who:
have already identified that they need, or want, the assistance of a lawyer who's an expert in dealing with animal-related issues, or
are lawyers seeking to refer a matter or instruct a specialist barrister on a client's file that involves animals.
If you're wanting specialist legal input or representation then:
we'll be your attending specialist, and
we'll work alongside chosen lawyers and experts who are best suited to handle your case, and
we'll ensure that you have the right team, right from the start.
click the 'contact us' button,
fill in the form and tell us you're interested in option 3, then
we'll be right back in touch with you.
MPI vs You
When animal law is not done properly, everybody loses. Businesses and communities falter, the lives of people are turned upside down, and animals are needlessly seized, stressed or destroyed.
​Legal problems can be stressful, frustrating and understandably worrying enough, but they're even worse when you're going up against a Government Ministry that has significant resources and deep financial pockets funded by the taxpayer.
It becomes even harder if the person wielding state powers and a badge—which could result in you losing your money, property, reputation, and more—demonstrates a limited understanding of the rules and the realities of your business.
So, it makes sense to be very sure about what to do next, knowing that a wrong move early in the process—even when well-intentioned—can come back to bite you later.
If you are advised that you can ‘make it all go away’ and ‘put it all behind you’ simply by paying the fine, you need to be absolutely crystal clear that there’s a big net of costly potential short- and long-term consequences attached to a guilty verdict. Those consequences are made even worse with hindsight’s 20/20 vision when you realize you had a better alternative.
Whether for offences under animal welfare, food safety, biosecurity, or fisheries, state powers can impose severe penalties, including hefty fines, property seizure, licence loss, and asset forfeiture. Additionally, a criminal record may impact security clearances, job and finance applications, and your travel.
It's not only computers that have long memories. People, business partners and communities do too, and the reputational damage from being known as 'that person who got convicted' has additional costs to you, and potentially your family, that are worth protecting yourself against.
That's your decision. Add up the monetary and non-monetary costs and then decide if you want to protect it.
If you do, then there’s no need for you to try going up against the resources, experience and deep pockets of MPI alone. In fact, because of the common mistakes, traps, and pitfalls in the legal process, we strongly recommend that you don’t.
Helping people like you to protect what's valuable to them from MPI is what we do. And getting started sooner rather than later is always good advice.​​​​

Animal law- not just 'one of the things we do', but the focus of what we do.

About us
Guardianz is a law practice that specialises in the niche field of animal law, a complex web of legislation, regulations, codes, policies, and people. Unsurprisingly, animals are a key element in MPI's activities in agriculture, biosecurity, fisheries, food, and aquaculture -- and making sure it all works as it's supposed to for you is where we come in.
I’m Ian Robertson, the Principal of Guardianz. ​I'm often referred to as 'that guy who's the vet and the lawyer'.
My career began as a clinical veterinarian, and my decision to add a law degree, with a focus on animal law, was shaped by my frontline experiences with clients and colleagues working on farms, in industries, and other animal-related sectors, who spoke about the 'gap' between regulatory requirements and the practical realities. Witnessing first-hand the significant cost and damage to people, businesses, and communities when the system's people or policies failed, motivated me to get involved in bridging that gap.
I've had a lot to do with MPI while working as a lawyer - first as one of their prosecutors and now as a defence lawyer specialising in areas that MPI is responsible for administering.
Why did I become a defence lawyer? Irrespective of the circumstances, the client, or the animals involved, I believe everyone deserves a fair hearing and they're more likely to get that with someone who knows the realities of your animal business from working as the trusted veterinary advisor, knows how prosecution is supposed to work, and how it actually does work - to effectively bring the real-world practicalities of what you do, to the paper of animal law.
Animal law is not just one of the things I do as a lawyer - it's the entire focus of what keeps me busy as a lawyer. I teach, publish, present, advise, and assist people, organisations, and other lawyers with any legal issue that directly - or indirectly - involves an animal.
​So, if you're thinking that the lifelong career looking after people and animals means I genuinely care - a LOT - about animal law being done well and the outcome you get, then you'd be right! ​
​​​There are a lot of great people in MPI and the system often works as well as it can - BUT if you are on the receiving end of an MPI representative and have a not-so-great experience, or suffer a loss associated with MPI, then your easiest first step to putting that right is as simple as giving us a call.​​
What's in the file that MPI have on you?
And what are your 'make or break' pivot points?
​​If you're feeling frustrated, worried about the time, costs and impacts, looking for a solution or simply 'had enough', we're here to help you to put things right.
Putting theory into proper practice isn't always straight-forward for MPI enforcement officers but, in our experience:
Understanding the realities and the circumstances too often reveals that lawful, procedurally correct and fair decision-making warranted help, not a state-sized hammer.
There are times when MPI individuals, processes, or agendas appear to overlook or even willfully ignore pragmatic alternatives for resolution. It doesn't help when you've been on the receiving end of an MPI middle manager using state-sized prosecution powers under the label of 'deterrence' to go for you as the 'low hanging fruit' in order to put more 'runs on the board' for this month's report.
Failing the 'attitude test' cuts two ways and it's a 'fail' when an MPI decision maker spends taxpayer dollars to progress a prosecution on a 'good enough is good enough' mindset and a responsibility benchmark of 'let the courts sort them out'.
We understand the toll that an unnecessary investigation, court summons or prosecution can take on you, your family and your business. So, if you've got a problem with MPI - or they've got a problem with you - then that's where you can get us alongside you.
We'll apply our pragmatic frontline insights, specialist experience, and knowledge of the processes and people involved, to thoroughly examining your situation and the file that MPI has on you. As one of the lawyers we work with has said, "It's those often overlooked but pivotal details that you see with your veterinary-legal background which routinely end up making a huge difference for the case and the client."
​​​What are the pivotal points to getting you the outcome you're looking for? Contact us and together we'll stop the dominos falling and make a start on finding the solutions you need. ​​​​​

"I am a Chartered Accountant in public practice and provided accounting, tax and business advisory support to Ian in handling a case involving a mutual client. Personally and professionally I found Ian to have an extremely in-depth knowledge of his specialist area of law. Ian is well connected and brought onboard additional fire-power where needed. His team left no risk/opportunity unexplored and alongside accountants, hygiene experts, and food experts he provided legal options that demonstrated an in-depth understanding of the client, the industry, and the client's business. Should you require legal advice in the area of law that Ian practises, I recommend that you get Ian on your team."
Fred Yuen, Chartered Accountant

The right people
Our philosophy is to help you navigate the labyrinth of rules, regulations, and the all-too-common trip-ups, traps, and pitfalls in a way that is safe, smart, and cost-effective.
As the Principal of Guardianz, I personally assess the emails, requests, and files that come to us. After that review, I draw on decades of veterinary-legal experience, insights, and networks to identify the right people, options, and the smartest next step forward that best fits you.
Choosing the right team from the start is often the most critical step in achieving your best outcome. So:
At Guardianz, we have found that the combination of an instructing lawyer + a specialist + experts selected by the specialist is a proven formula that routinely gets better results.
​​​​​Because of this, a team put together by Guardianz is made up of myself and independent and collaborating lawyers and experts who share the same views about the use of state powers and who have a commitment to putting their skills, capabilities and insights to looking after you.
We've also put a unique 3 tier solution in place for you where you decide which option best suits your needs, your pocket and your situation because:
sometimes people just want to be pointed in the right direction,
other times they want just a phone call, and
sometimes they really do need a lawyer 'yesterday', but certainly 'now'.
​Not all situations need a lawyer immediately, but if you do end up in the situation where you need full legal representation, then w​​e place a strong emphasis on communication and understanding of the law to ideally resolve concerns as quickly as possible and avoid the need to go to court.​
However, if circumstances require courtroom representation, we have the resources, know-who and know-how to put together a team of lawyers and experts to provide you with strong, smart, and determined representation as needed.​​
Smart solutions for your
“best outcome”
Rather than count the cases attended in court, we prefer to count the cases that were dealt with so well that it wasn't necessary to go to court. And there are many.
But on those occasions that things do go in court, then it's the client who usually ends up saying that the outcome was even better than they expected. Here are some of our favourites:
Guardianz Animal Law and its associates have a record of success in ANIMAL WELFARE that includes the Judge's opening remarks to our client being "You're the kind of farmer New Zealand needs more of". It all went very well for our client from there on with the client leaving the court without paying a dollar as a penalty.
Our work and understanding of FOOD SAFETY resulted in our food company client avoiding potential fines of $750,000. After disentangling the complex web of food safety law and explaining what really happened to the Judge, our client paid just $10,000 for what we identified to the Court as simply an administrative oversight.
Advocacy, litigation and input to lobbying activities for one of our MULTINATIONAL clients resulted in the corporate client protecting its trade market access and position for years, representing profits to its industry valued in the many millions annually.
We've got others, of course but, irrespective of the case, personally I always really like that bit where you stand back with a client or colleague and nod our heads in agreement that “that’s the best outcome”.​​​

Ian has quite literally 'written the book' on Animals, Welfare, and the Law, which proved so popular that a second edition is scheduled for publication in 2025.
The book is used to teach undergraduate and postgraduate lawyers, veterinarians, and other professionals on the specialized subject of animal law. It is also frequently referenced in work advising, assisting, and guiding lawyers, strategists, and professionals dealing with animal law matters.
H. Ferguson

How do you want to look back on things in 12 months?
What's the best that could happen? What's the worst?
Smart steps taken at the right time are routinely key factors that affect your outcomes in these matters. So, your simplest next step is to fill in this contact form.
To help us help you, please briefly tell us:
Where you are in the country
Key dates and details about the problem that you're facing; and
What you would like (and not like) to see as the outcome.
"Bottom line," it doesn’t matter where you are in New Zealand; one way or another, we can help you put your best case forward.